Why wouldn't I just do a fast parasite cleanse from the store?
There is a lot more to a parasite cleanse than most people know.
Did you know parasites release these ⬇️
when you start attacking them?
▪️ heavy metals
▪️ neurotoxins
▪️ mineral deposits like iron, copper, zinc
▪️ sugars
▪️ proteins
▪️ viruses
▪️ fats
▪️ ammonia
All the things they have been collecting from you and
cleansing them out releases their "fecal matter"
in one big swoop.
🤯 Is your body ready for that?!! 😬
If you are suffering from 5 or more of these...
it's time to consider my parasite cleanse.
Allergies to food or environment
Itching, rashes, skin irritations
Arthritis, joint and muscle pain
Lung distresses
Bad Breath, bloating, cramps, IBS, digestive distresses
Diarrhea, constipation, flatulence
Fatigue, chronic fatigue
Difficulty Sleeping, Night Sweats, Sleep Disturbance
Depression, Anxiety, Teeth Grinding
Hormone Imbalance, Irregular Cycles, Mood Swings, Low Labido
Sugar Cravings
Sinus congestion, coughing
Anemia, ringing in the ears
"I didn't really know what to expect from the protocol at first
but I was desperate to feel better. I had tried a parasite cleanse before and
I got really sick and even developed a lump from my lymphatic system being
overloaded. Stacie Rae's protocol is truly the best.
It takes time, but all good things do". TW
My 12 week Parasite Removal Program will:
prepare your body for the proper removal of unwanted travellers
introduce your body to varied cycles of proper removal therapies
use natural methods to aid in the toxins being removed from the body
support the body during this purge and reset
"I have NEVER been so supported during anything in my life.
Stacie Rae is a one of a kind coach who really knows her stuff!" -GG
With my customized and closely guided program,
you will be able to escort parasites out of the body with ease
and recover your vitality and ditch those unwanted hitchhikers!!