Being vulnerable and authentic in life; it's not for everyone. Yet as someone who lives their life this way, I sure wish it was. LOL I've spent a good portion of my life wearing my heart on my sleeve and not understanding why others don't. And being broken to pieces when others took my exposed heart and trampled it, wondering, "why"?
Turns out, not everyone finds comfort in being heart naked. Not everyone enjoys allowing the world to see the real pieces of themselves in good, bad, and ugly.
This begs the question, why do "I" enjoy that? Why would I "want" to put myself out there in such a dangerous and exposed way sharing my feelings, thoughts, desires, and beliefs without masks and protective shields?
It causes SO much pain, so why would anyone do this??
And when I say pain, I don't mean just pain to myself. I mean pain to others. Because as I said, not everyone is built to be naked.
In a recent client session this conversation arose and they had the "ah ha" moment of seeing that they were placing so much expectation on the world around them to be the same as them. They were expecting the world to be vulnerable in the same token, fashion, and measure, to reciprocate what they were releasing.
And that is a grave danger right there. I would even say a trap.
As an energy giver, to share yourself with someone and expect it returned creates a situation where you will undoubtably feel let down. Yet there is a trap we are unknowingly stepping into with this expectation. The trap of having someone falsely pretend to reciprocate and we allow an energy vampire to see and take advantage of our naked heart.
If we are looking for someone to give to us, especially when we are looking for them to give to us in a certain way, an energy taker/vampire/narcissist, will see that as an opportunity. And boy oh boy will they grab hold of your heart that you're wearing on your sleeve and start to manipulate it quickly. So is it actually good to have a naked heart?? Is that something the world needs and if it does, how do we use it safely and not be tarnished, broken, and manipulated?
Things I ponder. What are your thoughts?